The Future of Dental Implants

Categories: Dental Implants

dental implant Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And JerusalemDental implants are usually the ideal restoration for those who want to replace a missing tooth. There is a problem, however, if the jaw bone is too thin at the implant site.

Unlike a dental bridge, a tooth implant consists of a titanium post inserted into the jaw bone. The bone meshes with the post to create a strong base for the natural-looking prosthetic tooth and crown that attaches to the post.

When a tooth is extracted, the bone loses the blood circulation at the former site of the root. Consequently, bone recession often occurs. If the recession is extensive, there is not enough bone to hold the dental implant post.

Bone grafting augments the bone at the implant site and provide the bone density necessary for a successful implant. This is usually effective, but it does require time for the new bone to generate. A new discovery may provide a quicker solution for regenerating bone.

In recent years, researchers at the Georgia Regents University identified a protein that quickly stimulates the production of new bone. The research team, led by Dr. Ulf M.E. Wikesjo, implanted bone morphogenetic protein in test subjects and discovered that “more new bone formed within four weeks than with conventional bone grafting.”

While the research looks promising, the protein and its effects must undergo further testing.

To learn if cosmetic dental implants are right for you, contact Dobro Dental Implants in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem to schedule an initial consultation and find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants.