Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Categories: Dental Implants

dental implant dentist Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem

As dental technologies advance, so does the realistic appearance of replacement teeth. Over the last several decades, dental implants have replaced dentures as the most sought-after treatment for missing teeth. While many patients have a lifetime of success with dentures, dental implants tend to look more natural and last longer. During a dental implant procedure, your dentist anchors the replacement tooth into your jawbone using tiny metal posts. Patients with a thin or weakened jawbone may not be a good candidate for dental implants. Fortunately, dental bridges, dental crowns or dentures may be an option. We’ll find a treatment plan that works for you no matter what your current dental health condition might be.

Over time, your dental implant integrates with your jawbone in the same way your natural tooth root would. You won’t be able to tell a difference when you’re doing everyday activities such as eating and talking. The color of your tooth will also be matched to your other teeth so you can smile with confidence. Want to learn more? Feel free to schedule a consultation with us by calling 303-321-8400

If you’ve lost a tooth from injury or decay, you don’t have to live with it. Give the caring staff at Dobro Dental Implants a call today. We provide a variety of general and cosmetic dentistry services and serve patients of all ages. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Dobro Dental Implants: 303-321-8400