From Waterloo Teeth To Modern Day Dental Implants

Categories: Dental Implants

Have you ever heard of Waterloo Teeth?

In the early days of dentures, dentists were not the ones who placed the prothesis for patients. That job was left to those with a more technical background, like watch or clock makers. Another big difference is that many different materials were used, including hippo, walrus and elephant ivory. Eventually, ivory was found to discolor easily and also smell bad. Since ivory was so difficult to carve, getting a perfect fit was almost impossible. Patients were looking for a better solution.
Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem Dental Implants Have Come A Long Way

During the 1800s, a major source of teeth for Europeans were from dead bodies on the battlefield. During the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, so many teeth were removed from deceased soldiers that any dentures made with human teeth at that time were called Waterloo Teeth. This morbid practice was thankfully stopped in the 1860s.

What a relief to know that when you receive dental implants today, you are able to experience comfortable, beautiful prosthetics that were perfectly crafted for your mouth out of durable titanium and ceramic! At Dobro Dental Implants, we would love to help show you how implant dentistry can benefit your smile. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.