Dental Implant Postoperative Care

Categories: Dental Implants

Dental Implant Procedure Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And JerusalemThe healing time immediately following your dental implant procedure is the most important part of making sure you don’t experience dental implant failure. It is critical that you follow the instructions that Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem dental implant dentist Dr. Jeremy Miner gives you after your dental implant procedure. After successfully placing hundreds of dental implants, they have learned what works best in the healing process. In addition to the directions you receive at the office, the following list highlights some postoperative care tips that you may find useful:

Diet: A dental implant is crafted to give you the natural chewing support equal to your regular teeth, however the dental implant needs time to heal and fuse to the jawbone before you can benefit from its chewing strength. For the first week or so after your dental implant procedure, only eat soft, nutritious foods such as soup, eggs, fish, or yogurt. Increasing your liquid intake will help the healing process tremendously.

Pressure: For the first few days of healing, the dental implant needs to be left alone as much as possible. In addition to avoiding foods that would create intense pressure on the dental implant, try not to touch the dental implant with your finger or tongue.

Pain: To reduce pain, your dental implant dentist may prescribe pain medication, which you should begin taking as soon as the anesthetic begins to wear off. You may also be given a prescription for antibiotics to prevent infection. Be sure to check with the team at New Image Dental Implants before taking any additional medications.

Cleaning: While it is important to keep your new dental implant clean, brushing or flossing in the first week or two can apply pressure that negatively affects the healing process. Your dental implant dentist will likely prescribe a mouthwash for you to use, in addition to instructions for regular salt-water rinses.

Physical Exercise: Most patients can return to work a day or two after dental implant placement, however it is important to avoid physical exertion for at least a week following surgery. Heavy lifting or exercise that gets your heart rate up can interfere with healing.

Swelling: Some swelling for a few days following the dental implant procedure is normal. Applying ice packs to the area and keeping your head elevated can help reduce swelling.

Bleeding: While you may experience a pink color to your saliva, there should not be excessive bleeding following your dental implant procedure.  If you do begin to bleed, place a piece of gauze over the dental implant and apply pressure for 15-30 minutes. If bleeding persists, call our Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem areas office right away.

No Smoking: Smoking is known to slow or halt the dental implant healing process. If you smoke regularly, ask your dental implant dentist about how long you should wait before resuming.

To learn more about postoperative care for a dental implant procedure, call Dobro Dental Implants in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem. We are happy to answer any questions.