All-On-4 Implants Vs. Lower Dentures

Categories: All On 4

Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem, Save Money With All On 4 Lower DenturesOne of the greatest complaints about dentures that dentists receive is about how loose and unstable a recently fabricated lower denture is.  There are many reasons for this.  Unlike the upper denture, there is a tongue in the way, and so it is nearly impossible to get a good seal like an upper denture.  In addition, the lower jaw bone and tissue tend to shrink more than the upper.  This has been a problem for decades, but because we now have dental implant procedures available in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem, there are many solutions.

You may be thinking there is no way I can afford an implant to replace every single one of my lower teeth.  All on 4 is the solution to the expense problem you may have already faced.  Your Dobro Dental Implants prosthodontist and oral surgeon can now anchor a fixed non-removable lower denture with just 4 dental implants.  It will prevent the usual mouth sores and often embarrassment you’d experience with traditional dentures.  Contact Dobro Dental Implants to set up a consultation with your dentist to find the right solution for your situation.