All-on-4 Is the Perfect Marriage of Dental Implants and Dentures

Categories: All On 4

Denture wearers are no stranger to the instability of their chosen tooth replacement. Wouldn’t it be great if you could adhere your denture to your jaw and never have to remove it? Well you can! All-on-4 is exactly what you are looking for and today we will discuss why this method is such a great option for you denture wearers out there.

Affordability: In the past, if you wanted a fixed denture, it required at least 6 implants. This made fixed dentures very costly. However, with the all-on-4 method, only four implants are needed.

One Day: On the day of your procedure you will go in with no teeth and come out with a functioning set of pearly whites that you can use to eat.

Bone Loss Prevention: With dental implants placed in your jaw bone, the natural shrinking of a toothless jaw is halted. This will keep your bone at a healthy level.

Natural: This is the implant retained denture that is most natural. You will never have to remove it from your mouth and feel free to eat what you want!

There are many reasons why All-on-4 implant retained dentures are the best option for tooth replacement. Visit our page about All on 4 to learn more. If you live in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem or Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh And Jerusalem and have questions, call us today to schedule a consultation with our skilled doctors.