Full Arch Replacement

get dentures using a fixed bridge in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh, or JerusalemA full fixed-in-place bridge anchored to dental implants is the best permanent solution when all teeth are missing or in such condition that they need to be replaced.

Before dental implants, there were no fixed solutions available for people who lost all their teeth. Many settled for dentures that stayed on the gums with adhesive, but denture patients found that dentures caused almost as many problems as they solved.

With the advances in implant dentistry, it is now possible to replace a full set of teeth with dental implants and a fixed bridge that results in a permanent, stable, beautiful, natural-looking solution. You can find these advances as well as a singularly qualified professional here at Dobro Dental Implants. Your smile is Special; have it treated by a Specialist

Unlike dentures, a fixed bridge secured on dental implants:

  • Lets you eat and function like having natural teeth by restoring 100% of your natural biting force on healthy teeth.
  • Provides a solid, stable solution that will serve you for life.
  • Preserves your facial appearance.
  • Prevents bone loss and jawbone shrinkage.


The treatment procedure and number of visits required for placing dental implants and installing a fixed bridge on them is largely dependent on the specific conditions. In general, it may require about 8-10 visits over the course of 9 months to have a permanent fixed bridge installed, though usually you can have a transitional fixed-in-place bridge the very same day of the implant procedure!

Most patients report that they were much more comfortable following the procedure than they had anticipated.

As with any dental procedure we perform at Dobro Dental Implants in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh and Jerusalem the course of treatment will be specific to your individual needs. Through an initial complimentary consultation in our office or on Zoom, WhatsApp or Skype, we can better determine and explain the treatment plan and procedures involved that are specific to your situation.

What is described here is the general steps involved in receiving a fixed-in-place bridge to replace a full set of teeth.

get fixed bridge dental implants in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh, Jerusalem1: Before the procedure
The first step to replacing a full arch of teeth is a complimentary consultation with Dr. Dobro in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh, or Jerusalem. You may also have your consultation by Zoom, WhatsApp or Skype. Through the complimentary consultation, he can determine much of what needs to be done and prepare both himself and you as the patient for the coming treatment procedure.
get dentures and dental implant procedures in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh, Jerusalem 2: Installing the dental implants
The first step to replacing a full arch with a fixed bridge is installing dental implants to replace the lost tooth roots. In this case, five dental implants are used. Temporary teeth are attached that enable you to eat and function like normal while waiting for the permanent fixed bridge to be installed.
get fixed bridge dentures in Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh, Jerusalem

3: Attaching the fixed bridge
Once the gum tissue has completely healed and the implants have fused with the jawbone, the permanent fixed bridge is securely installed on top of the dental implants. With a full jaw replacement like this, it normally takes 3-4 visits to have the fixed bridge completely attached.

4: End resultRemovable denture anchored on dental implants as an alternative to a fixed bridge secured by dental implants
With your fixed bridge installed and secured by dental implants, your new teeth should be hard to tell from natural teeth – both for you and others. People who have had traditional dentures before getting a fixed bridge often describe this as an overwhelmingly positive experience.


Removable Overdenture Anchored on Dental Implants
An alternative to a fixed-in-place bridge is a removable overdenture, which is placed over dental implants. The old-fashioned complete denture has many disadvantages, including significant bone loss and interfering with eating and talking. We recommend avoiding this option, if possible.

Placing a denture over some implants is a big improvement, but only when a fixed-in-place implant bridge is not possible. This is often an acceptable transition to a better solution because the implants preserve the bone in the interim.

Removable denture secured to ball or bar as an alternative to a fixed bridge secured by dental implants

Removable Full Denture Secured to Attachments
Another alternative to a fixed-in-place bridge on dental implants is a removable full denture that is attached to the implants but still removable.

The dental implants help keep the dentures in place far better than a traditional denture, providing better function and comfort. Receiving dentures in this way is usually less expensive than the fixed-in-place bridge alternative – although the end result is not totally comparable.

Removable full denture as an alternative to a fixed bridge secured by dental implants

Removable full denture
Full dentures that are loosely placed on top of the gums to cover the lost teeth are commonly chosen as a method to replace a full jaw of missing teeth. Full dentures have no real advantages – except for the low price and easy installation.

The disadvantages to these types of dentures are many. Dentures that are not secured by dental implants cause discomfort in eating, may not look natural, negatively affect speech, and cause sore gums.

Discover the Dobro Advantage!

If you live or work in the Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh or Jerusalem areas and are missing all your teeth or are currently dissatisfied with your dentures, Dobro Dental Implants can help. We combine high-quality materials and the expertise of our U.S. certified Prosthodontist, Dr. Neil Dobro, to offer life-changing procedures. Your smile is special; be treated by a Specialist

Contact us today by calling us at the number above or filling out the form on this page. We can help your smile feel and look wonderful again!

Click here for information on financing your dental implant procedure.